

" The 21st century places immense stress on our body more than before, we have a real need for a natural and effortless way of enhance your well being." Air consists of many electrically charged particles -- positively, negatively charged or neutral particles. The quality of the air we breathe depends on the kind of electrical charge and concentration of the ions. Many people are aware of the benefits of negative ions on our health. Negative ions are essential for our health and well-being. The environment we live in today has far more sources of positives ions than in the past, creating an electrical imbalance in the air. Various human activities and electrical appliances produce positive ions which are the reason for the deterioration of our physical and emotional well being; e.g. discharge of voltage in high-voltage networks, heating and cooling systems, Tvs, radios, transmitters, radar systems, computers, exhausts and cigarette fumes.

Scientific test have revealed that the ratio of negative to positive ions should be between 1.02 to 0.98 and the air's composition of negative ions should range between 1000-1500/cm3. Measurements have shown that the number of negative ions decreases to 200/cm3 in a closed room containing several people. In fresh country air we find up to 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeter - the size of a sugar cube. Near strong surf or close to a waterfall up to 10,000 negative ions can be found, however the number of negative ions in major capital cities at rush hour does not even reach 100.

Salt crystal lamps are renowned to improve the quality of the air by producing negative ions, which are good for our health. A series of scientific studies show that salt crystal lamps can increase the negative ion count by up to 300%. Crystalline rock salt is a natural ionizer. Rock salt crystals and lamps effectively improve the quality of the air by producing negative ions - the "vitamins of the air". The quality of the air we breathe is essential to our health and well -being. Breathing pure clean air not only keeps us alive, but also allows us to think more clearly, sleep more soundly, and stay healthier. Studies show that we receive 56% of our energy from the air we breathe, more than from water and food combined. In average we breathe 37 pounds of air a day, the equivalent of an Olympic sized swimming pool.


The impact of negative ions is powerful. Originally, it was found to speed recovery in burn or asthma patients, but was later discovered to affect serotonin levels in the bloodstream, stabilize alpha rhythms and may provide relief from sinus, migraine headaches allergies and hay fever, reduce the severity of asthma attacks, enhance the immune system, increase alertness, increase work productivity and concentration, increase lung capacity and reduce susceptibility to colds and flu.